Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Disturbing Trend

OK, I've got to get this off my chest. Technology both helps and hurts us as the church to accomplish our mission. It hurts us when church members use the internet to broadcast their complaints about the church before the world.

This has been a disturbing trend as of late. Some of the finest and largest churches in the SBC have recently been in the news because a handful of disgruntled members started web sites for the purpose of attacking their own church or its leaders. Three "flagship" churches in the SBC are currently dealing with this issue. I will not name them, but most of you will know these churches and their pastors well.

Personally, I believe that members who use the internet to voice complaints rather than voice them internally are subject to church discipline. When Jesus prayed for future believers prior to the cross, his one prayer was for our unity. He said that the world will know that we are his disciples by our love. It is unbiblical, divisive and unnecessary to use the internet in this way. That being said, our churches had better have ways to allow members to voice their concerns so they don't think they have to do this. But perhaps we should also be more proactive in communicating what a serious offense this is...before it ever happens. Fortunately, our church has never had to deal with this problem. I pray we never do.

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