Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Couldn't Help But Notice

I bought a new prayer journal this past January. It's my "black book." This past year, I have written down my petitions and checked off the evident answers to prayer. I noticed this morning that I have five adults whose names were entered with the petition "salvation" who have accepted Christ this year. I have baptized four of them and will soon baptize the fifth.

Sometimes, we fail to see God's answers to our prayers because we fail to write them down and keep track. Let me encourage you to keep a prayer journal and see, over time, how powerfully God works through prayer.

Senators, It's Your Turn

Pro-life democratic members of the House of Representatives made sure that the health care bill they sent to the senate eliminates federal funding of abortions. Now it's time for the pro-life democratic senators to follow suit. A senator like Casey from Pennsylvania or Nelson from Nebraska...one is all it would take to ensure that federal funding be removed prior to acceptance. Even Harry Reid claims to be pro-life, though his voting record is pretty much 50-50 on the sanctity of life. (National Right to Life gives him a 50% rating.) Now is the time to ask these men to stand up for what they already claim to believe...that every preborn child's life is worthy of protection and we should NOT force taxpayers to financially support abortion.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You Pro-Life Democrats

While we do not know what the Senate will do to the health care bill passed by the House this past weekend, we do know that it appears that any bill coming out of Congress will, in fact, be abortion neutral. This is so, thanks to sixty-four pro-life democrats who stood up to the extreme left wing of their own party and to Speaker Pelosi and said, "John Q. Taxpayer will not be forced to pay for abortions." Consider that number for a moment. We rarely get to see any kind of up or down vote on the issue of abortion, so when we do, it is very significant. That number represents one fourth of all democrats in the House of Representatives!

Personally, I'm not a democrat, but I long to see a majority of democrats be pro-life. With this vote, I'm starting to think we're halfway there! Let's pray that the day will come when both parties contain respect for the sanctity of life as part of their platform.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Power of a Picture

The direcor of a Planned Parenthood facility resigned after actually watching an abrtion for the first time. She even joined a pro-life group in praying for the facility.

Abby Johnson said that she first became disillusioned with the process when she received pressure from the organization to increase profits by performing more abortions.

"Every meeting that we had was, 'We don't have enough money, we don't have enough money — we've got to keep these abortions coming,'" Johnson told FoxNews.com. "It's a very lucrative business and that's why they want to increase numbers."

Actually seeing an abortion on the ultrasound sealed the deal. She called it an immediate "conversion."

Planned Parenthood's response? They are suing Johnson to keep her quiet about their practices!

Those who work in Crisis Pregnancy ministries attest that the best information to give an abortion-minded mother is a picture of the life God has created inside of her. Once they see their chid's heartbeat, they will not need a textbook to interpret it for them. Nor will they believe the abortionist who calls it "potential life" or a "blob of tissue." The pictures do not lie. Those who fight legislation requiring such information be shown to women prior to an abortion do not have the mother's best interests at heart.