Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You Pro-Life Democrats

While we do not know what the Senate will do to the health care bill passed by the House this past weekend, we do know that it appears that any bill coming out of Congress will, in fact, be abortion neutral. This is so, thanks to sixty-four pro-life democrats who stood up to the extreme left wing of their own party and to Speaker Pelosi and said, "John Q. Taxpayer will not be forced to pay for abortions." Consider that number for a moment. We rarely get to see any kind of up or down vote on the issue of abortion, so when we do, it is very significant. That number represents one fourth of all democrats in the House of Representatives!

Personally, I'm not a democrat, but I long to see a majority of democrats be pro-life. With this vote, I'm starting to think we're halfway there! Let's pray that the day will come when both parties contain respect for the sanctity of life as part of their platform.

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