Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where's the Civility?

After Joe Wilson's recent outburst of "You lie" during Obama's health care address, I'm starting to get very concerned about the growing lack of civility in American politics. This is the fourth such incident that greatly disturbs me.

* During Clinton's presidency, Republicans hissed on several occasions and twenty of them even left early during a State of the Union address.

* In 2005, Democrats took it up a notch and booed during President Bush's State of the Union address.

* A year later, former president Jimmy Carter raised the ante even more by attacking a sitting president at Coretta Scott King's funeral while his backside was literally to President Bush who was seated behind him. (Somehow, this comes across as the most dirty trick of them all.)

Now, Joe Wilson chimes in with "You lie!' and refuses to even apologize in the chamber where his outburst took place.

Generally speaking, if an offense took place publicly, the apology should be public as well. And if you're Rep. Wilson, why not err on the side of graciousness towards those you have offended?

Both parties have muddied themselves in this debate. We desperately need for Christians to enter the political arena and be salt and light were both seem to be in short supply.

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