Saturday, June 6, 2009

Back in the Saddle

As most of you know, I was at a Doctor of Ministry seminar at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary last week. The month prior was spent preparing for the seminar, so I had to take a hiatus from blogging.

Anyway, I was very impressed by the plans of a church in California. Cornerstone Church in Semi Valley has decided that for their new sanctuary, they are going to save money by building an outdoor ampitheatre. From their website...

"The idea of building an outdoor sanctuary rather than an auditorium sprung from a desire to save millions of dollars. It came from a belief that God would rather we spend that money in other ways. It comes from a thought that God would receive more glory from seeing His children sacrifice for others- namely, those around the world who lack basic necessities. The idea then evolved into developing the property into more of a park-like setting that could be enjoyed by the church and community throughout the week. In this way, we would be giving to our community as well as to the needy around the world."

This won't work everywhere, but I am impressed that Cornerstone is taking on the issue of worship space in a radically different way.

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