Tuesday, February 12, 2008

American Idol or American Idolatry?

A recent episode of American Idol (Dallas auditions) decided to poke fun at virginity. Putting aside the fact that a Mr. Bruce Dickson can actually sing, the judges (and producers) essentially dissed Mr. Dickson for admitting that he'd never kissed or slept with a girl. The segment ended with Ryan Seacrest saying "Maybe if Bruce does come back next year, he'll return less boy and more man." Hey Ryan, I've got news for you: Bruce Dickson is more man than you've ever been.

Read more here.

1 comment:

BruceBlogger said...

Thanks for the great post, it's really encouraging to read! There is a site up for Bruce now as well as a blog. He is also releasing his first single! Thanks for the support!