Thursday, August 13, 2009

She May Have Been a Kennedy...

Eunice Kennedy Shriver passed away this week. She is known as the sister of former president John F. Kennedy and more importantly, the founder of Special Olympics. She was inspired by her intellectually disabled sister and that inspiration led her to create an Olympic event catering to such persons.

What you may not know is that Kennedy was pro-life. This may surprise us considering the political dynasty to which she belonged, but not when we consider her commitment to equal rights for every human being. To Shriver, all human life is worthy of protection. She understood that if the preborn child is not worthy because he/she failed to pass someone's "personhood test," eventually the intellectually disabled would fail as well.

I am saddened that none of the news outlets I heard report on her passing made mention of her commitment in this area.

"It is my deepest hope that the world can begin to look at our friends with special needs and, for once, tell them, 'Yes, you do belong; yes, you are wonderful; yes, you can be a shining light of hope for the world!"
— Eunice Kennedy Shriver

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