Rifqa Bary is a seventeen year old Sri Lankan girl raised in Ohio. She is also a runaway currently hiding from her parents here in Florida. While many children and teenagers run away from home, Rifqa's story is unique because she claims that she fled because her Muslim father threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity. The father claims that no such threat was made, but I don't think anyone hearing her story can deny that something took place or was said to make her genuinely fear for her life. She was so certain that an honor killing would took place, she hitch hiked and bused her way across the country to get away.
Personally, I tend to believe her, not because all Muslims are fire breathing monsters who would murder their own children for accepting Christ. I believe her because it appears that she truly felt threatened by her father's response and carefully calculated what she had to do in order to live.
Currently, she has been placed uder the protection of Florida DCF. A Florida judge will decide whether or not she must return to Ohio, which will likely mean returning to her father. Pray for God's will to be done as for her living arrangements and that she would be protected from those who wish to bring her harm on account of her faith. Most of all, pray that her faith would remain strong.
You can watch her plea for her life here. An ABC news report is here.
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