Perhaps you've seen the latest report debunking the effectiveness of teen virginity pledges. In the late 80's and early 90's, many churches began promoting the idea of asking teenagers to take a pledge to remain virgins until their wedding day. This often involves signing a card and perhaps wearing a chastity ring. (I took one, albeit not the formal "True Love Waits" version most churches used.)
This week, news agencies are reporting the findings of Janet E. Rosenbaum, a post doctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is arguing that research now states that virginity pledges have no positive impact on teen sexual behavior, but they do have the negative impact of making teens less likely to use protection against STD's.
What you may not notice if you simply glance at the headlines is that no new research was actually conducted by Dr. Rosenbaum. She merely reinterpreted data from previous studies, whose findings she didn't like. Furthermore, she came to her conclusions by outright eliminating some of the samples from the surveys used.
In her own words..."I used the same data as previous studies but a different statistical method."
ABC news summarized her work as follows:
"This method allowed Rosenbaum to compare those who had taken a virginity pledge with similar teens who hadn't taken a pledge but were likely to delay having sex, she said. She added that she didn't include teens who were unlikely to take a pledge. "
Huh? She "didn't include teens who were unlikely to take a pledge?" Comparing teen pledgers to non-pledgers is the entire point of the research! By only comparing pledgers to teens who probably would have pledged had anyone bothered to ask them to is to defeat the entire purpose of the virginity pledge to begin with. Nobody is claiming that there is something magical about a True Love Waits card, which is exactly what Dr. Rosenbaum set out to disprove. What's important are the values that are being imparted in the process of the challenge. And if you are only going to compare teens who are taught those values with other teens who are also taught those values (but didn't technically sign their name to a card), what exactly have you proven? Absolutely nothing.
It's embarrassing when you see someone so blatantly manipulate statistics to try to disprove the validity of Christian values. And when so many news venues are eager to report the opinion of a doctor who actually didn't do any research whatsoever tells you how much the Bible is under attack by our culture today. But we need not worry about whether or not God's plan for sex is best or whether or not it works. I have counseled many couples who were dealing with relational baggage decades after their wedding that was directly related to their decision not to wait until marriage. However, I have never counseled a couple who waited until their wedding day and regretted it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
When Statistics are Manipulated
"Miracle in a Manger"
Before we move past the official holiday season, I wanted to post my message reflecting on Christ's birth from Luke 1:26-38. It will be available online for about one month.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Where God Has Put Me
I was in my office this afternoon preparing my message for next Sunday when I got an interesting visit. A complete stranger walked in and asked if we had any holy water we could give her. She said she wasn't religious but her mom just moved into a new home and needed some holy water to dedicate it. (She was just the one running the errand.) I didn't get to visit with her for long because she was out the door when she ascertained that we didn't have the kind of "holy water" she was looking for. But this brief encounter reminded me of why I love serving in a place like South Florida. Little experiences like this just don't happen in most parts of the country, especially in the Bible belt. This is where the greatest spiritual need is, in my humble opinion. This is the front line. For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone in ministry who cares a lick about missions wouldn't want to be where I am. Where else can you share the story of the prodigal son with people who haven't heard it or even heard of it and see the look of awe when you get to the end and they realize it's about God? Where else can you reach people for Christ who will then take the gospel to the ends of the earth every time they go "home" for a visit? Where else can you touch so many cultures and people groups in such a short amount of time without even leaving your county? If you live in Miami-Dade county and you're thinking about leaving, you need to seriously reconsider whether or not that is what God has called you to do. Frankly, we don't need believers leaving, we need believers arriving.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Christmas Gift
Here's a fantastic Christmas video that touched my heart. In it, Stuart Shepard shares the true story of a Christmas gift that could not be delivered – and asks for your help. Watch it and it will be among the best two and a half minutes of your day.
The Helper of Our Faith
Luke 1:36
As I was driving to church early yesterday morning, I was thinking about my message from Luke 1:26-38 and something occurred to me. God gave Mary the most incredible news that any person could receive and Mary believed it. But God also gave Mary a means to discover that He was, in fact, working in her life in a miraculous way. Elizabeth, though advanced in years, was in the sixth month of pregnancy with John the Baptist. Thus, by going to interview Elizabeth, she had a way to verify the report that she'd been given. Mary may have had some doubts, but she had enough faith to step out and go to Elizabeth based on the message she'd received.
Likewise, God asks for faith. We're told that it is impossible to please Him without faith. But God also affirms our faith, often in subtle ways, so that any who seek Him will find Him.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Abortion Bailout
You knew it was coming. Now EVERYONE wants their bailout. Looks like the abortion industry isn't waiting until Obama is sworn in to ask for theirs. Numerous abortion providers have come together to request that the president-elect make the following package a reality in his first 100 days:
* $1 BILLION dollars in taxpayer funding for International Abortion Groups
* $700 million in taxpayer funding for “Title X” Health Clinics (aka your local Planned Parenthood affiliate)
* $65 million for the UNFPA, an international aid organization connected to coercive abortion as part of China’s coercive one-child policy
* Repeal the Hyde Amendment – Vastly expanding federal taxpayer funding for abortions
* Include Abortion coverage in any taxpayer-subsidized national health care program
* Expand taxpayer-funded abortions on military bases
* Expand taxpayer-funded abortions through the Peace Corps program
* Expand taxpayer-funded abortions for federal prisoners
Encourage your senators to oppose the abortion bailout. Let's attack this thing now before it becomes a media thing and they put their spin on it.
To get involved, click HERE.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
When Suicide Becomes a Peep Show
Craig Ewert's suicide will be televised on British television tonight, setting off a debate in that country regarding euthanasia. Personally, I think it's an attempt to desensitize us to a practice that should, in fact, concern us. What's next?
If life is not sacred in the womb, eventually it will not be sacred at any point. The moment we retreat from complete respect for the sanctity of life, we go down a one way road that leads to catastrophic ends.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Unfit to Serve
Most of you probably know that a state judge, Cindy Lederman, recently single-handedly overturned a 31 year old Florida law barring homosexual adoption. Forgetting that the constitution says "We, the people" and not "I, the judge", Lederman reminded us why the recent Amendment 2 drive was so necessary and why another one addressing adoption will now be needed as well.
In this specific case, judge Lederman heard ample evidence suggesting that children do better with a mom and a dad. However she threw out that evidence (Are you ready for this?) because the psychologist who testified on behalf of the state (in support of the adoption ban) was also an ordained baptist minister. Apparently, his baptist faith kept him from being able to objectively view the evidence regarding what is best for children!
Isn't it funny how activist judges like Cindy Lederman can use outright bigotry against Christians while claiming to rid the world of bigotry against gays?,! When judges use the religious faith of witnesses to bar their testimony outright, they are no longer fit to serve.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Careful What You Pray For
Looks like a Detroit mega-church spent significant time praying Sunday for congress to bail out the Big Three. They even brought in a Ford Escape, Chevy Tahoe and a Chrysler Aspen and placed them behind the pulpit. (How's that for sermon props?) Detroit pastors have vowed to fast and pray until the bailout comes through.
Hmmmm. I can't help but wonder...Are they also praying that the Big Three will demonstrate better stewardship? Or that they will manufacture better cars? Or that the United Autoworkers Union will agree to a more globally competitive contract?
I'm not so sure it's Biblical to ask God to bless bad stewardship. And I'm uncomfortable with anything that creates the impression that government is the solution to our greatest problems. And I'm very uncomfortable with praying that puts financial prosperity over the need for revival. What if it's God's will for the Big Three to flounder so that He might bring about revival as people begin to call on His name from repentant hearts? What if God answers the prayers of this church and these pastors and it turns out to be the worst thing that could have happened? Be careful what you pray for.
Friday, December 5, 2008
What We Have To Do
Tertullian of Carthage, an early Christian theologian and moralist, was also the pastor of a church in North Africa about 200 years after Jesus Christ was born. Many historians recount the story where some of Tertullian’s church members tried to justify their burning incense to pagan gods as they entered their workplace. They told Tertullian “even though we are Christians, we won’t really honor pagan gods.”
Tertullian asked, “Why would you do that?”
The people said, “Because we have to work to buy food to eat!”
Tertullian then asked “Why do you have to eat?”
They replied with astonishment “Because we have to live.”
Tertullian, who had been converted to Christianity by witnessing the uncompromising courage of Christian martyrs, looked at them and said, “No! You don’t have to work, or eat and you don’t have to live. The only thing you have to do is be faithful.”
All I can say is "Amen!"
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tomorrow night, we are blessed to be hosting This Hope, a men's quintet out of Woodstock, Georgia. These guys are a blend between Acapella and 4-Him. They'll be bringing their Christmas concert to First Baptist Church of Homestead Dec. 2, at 7:00 pm. This concert is free. A love offering will be taken. If you're reading this and you're in the area, make plans now to attend. To watch a promotional video and get a taste of This Hope's music, click HERE.
Dr. Warren Caves In

Why the change, you ask? It appears that a homosexual group decided to sue e-harmony for only providing matchmaking help to heterosexuals. Rather than create and promote their own web site, which would have meant considerable start up costs, they decided to legally force e-harmony to do it for them. And it worked. Dr. Warren caved in and agreed to start Compatible Partners because he said the cost of losing legislation would have been devastating to This news is disturbing on several levels.
#1 – Dr. Warren caved in. We desperately need for Christian men and women to stand by their convictions, not throw them to the wind at the first sign of litigation. As Dr. Tony Perkins said about this controversy, “The surest way to lose the culture war is refusing to fight.”
#2 – What about the “Live and let live” theory we hear from gay rights groups? Is it “live and let live” to force a Christian who opposes homosexuality on religious grounds to provide matchmaking help to homosexuals just because he is doing so for heterosexuals?
#3 – How is it discrimination for a heterosexual psychologist to help other heterosexuals to find a likeminded mate?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Catching Up
"The Goodness Trap"
November 23, 2008 - AM
Matthew 19:16-26
Howard Harden
"Triumphant Joy"
Part 2
November 16, 2008 - AM
John 16:25-33
Howard Harden
"Triumphant Joy"
Part 1
November 9, 2008 - AM
John 16:17-24
Howard Harden
"If the World Hates You"
November 2, 2008 - AM
John 15:18-16:4
Howard Harden
"Lessons From A Vineyard", Part 2
October 26, 2008 - AM
John 15:9-17
Howard Harden
Help! I've Been Mugged!
Seriously, I have...along with every member of First Baptist Church of Homestead. As some of you know, we are setting aside a prayer room in our church. So this room will be accessible 24/7, we are adding a special door whereby members can enter without needing a key to the church or the security code. Are you ready for this...
Price of the door: $1,400.
Miami Dade County "Impact" Fee: $668.68.
Yesiree. Our church adding a door is going to impact the county in a big, big way. They need $668.68 in order to adjust to the inconvenience our prayer room door will cause them.
Think about this: First Baptist CHURCH of Homestead has to PAY the "STATE" a fee so we can have a door into the room set aside for PRAYER. Whatever happened to separation of church and state?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Need for Speed
Name That Car!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Our Response to Those Who Govern Us
The following is an article I wrote for our November FBCH newsletter, "The Way." I wrote this before Tuesday's voting took place...
Although I am writing prior to the election, most of you will probably read these words after the final ballots have been cast and the final results reported. No doubt, regardless of who wins, some will be pleased and others…ummm…not so pleased. However, I could not help but think that this is a pretty good time for Christians to be reminded of their spiritual obligation towards those who are placed in authority over us. While it is true that democracy wasn’t practiced when the New Testament writers wrote, there were governments and there were leaders. The principles taught in the Bible as to how we relate to them have not changed. They are just as applicable today as they were two thousand years ago.
In Paul’s first letter to young Timothy, he said, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) First and foremost, we are commanded to pray for our leaders. There are no qualifications placed upon this command. We are not to pray for those whom we helped elect or for those who belong to our political party. Some of you may feel like Edward Everett Hale, who while he was chaplain of the U.S. Senate, was asked if he prayed for the senators. He said, "No, I look at the senators and pray for the nation." Nevertheless, we are commanded to pray for them, regardless of our personal feelings. I have long believed that if the typical Christian spent the time praying for their leaders that they normally spend complaining, they would have much less to complain about! Those who pray for their leaders will normally be respectful in their dissent. This, of course, does not mean that we do not disagree. Nor does it mean that we should not shed light on unjust policies, immoral legislation or corruption. We can pray for those whom we actively oppose. But pray, we must. No Christian who does not pray for those in leadership has any right to complain about those who govern, for they have the government they prayed for.
The Bible is also a great handbook on how to pray for those elected to higher office. Paul mentioned three types of prayers in the aforementioned verses. First, we are to offer “requests.” This word refers to the felt needs that come along. It means praying during the difficult times. (If you’ve been praying about the recent financial crisis, chances are, that is the praying Paul is speaking of here!) Then, we are to offer “prayers.” This word refers to communion with someone. In other words, talk to God about our leaders. At times, those prayers may sound a little like Habakkuk’s complaints, and that’s okay. Finally, we are to make “intercessions.” This refers to specific requests that we make on behalf of another. The next president will be commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the world. He will inherit a national debt that, spread out, amounts to at least $25,000 per American. He will lead a nation where a murder takes place every twenty-three minutes, a rape every six minutes, a robbery every fifty-eight seconds, a burglary every three seconds. Whether or not you voted for him, don’t you think that he needs all the prayers he can get? Should we not pray for wisdom and direction and grace and strength?
But notice also that “thanksgiving” is mentioned in Paul’s list of prayers to be offered. “You mean that God wants me to give thanks for HIM?” some of you are thinking. Yes! This may be a good time to remember that the leaders Paul prayed for were not exactly role models. One Roman emperor was notorious for tying Christians to a stake, coating them in tar and turning them into living candles. Yet we are told to give thanks, apparently, even if those in authority over us are evil. That leads us to the question: Why should I give thanks for someone with whom I disagree a whole lot more than I agree? Because God is sovereign. Because God controls history. Because God can use the actions, even of evil kings, governors, presidents etc. in order to accomplish His divine purposes. So yes, thank God for those He has placed in authority.
Paul also instructed the church at Rome regarding this matter. “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1) “For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13:4) Added together, our leaders in government are “established” by God and they are God’s “servants.” They may not be aware of these facts, but they are true nonetheless! I would argue based on these verses that Christians should respect the offices of government, even when those holding the offices are not worthy of respect. During the last sixteen years, I have seen Christians speak and act deplorably of government leaders from both major parties. I believe that our witness as believers suffers tremendously because of this. If we insult politicians with whom we disagree, if we pass along false and slanderous information (beware those “forward” emails), we hurt ourselves more than them. So let’s pray for our newly elected leaders and let’s show Christian decency in our conduct and speech. And always, let’s continue to look for and support those who share our biblical values and are running for election.
They Just Don't Get It
California adopted Prop 8 on Tuesday, banning same sex marriage in the state constitution. It took less than 24 hours for the American Civil Liberties Union to file a request for the state supreme court to overturn the gay marriage ban.
Um...excuse me...but they want the supreme court to overturn what is now a part of the constitution of the state of California? It was a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, for crying out loud. Judges don't get to toss the CONSTITUTION. Yet that's exactly what they are trying to do. Seriously, folks, I'm not making this up. The above link takes you straight to the ACLU's argument.
This just proves why Florida, Arizona and California needed these amendments in the first place. Those who favor gay marriage aren't too interested in the rule of law. They believe that their wishes supercede the constitution and the rest of us should just get over it.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's a SWEEP!

Pro-marriage constitutional amendments passed in all three states! Florida's Amendment 2, which required the highest threshold, passed with 62.1%. Arizona, which defeated a pro-marriage amendment in 2004, passed it this time with 56%. (At least one state has gotten more conservative in the past four years, right?) And EVEN CALIFORNIA passed Prop 8, in spite of the fact that gay marriages have been taking place there for several months and the wording on the ballot incredulously said that this amendment "eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry." (Gee, that's not biased at all, is it?)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Picture of What God is Doing
One of our new house church missionaries in Cuba recently led a young couple to the Lord. They had been cohabitating for some time and had not given thought to marriage. However, after accepting Christ, they realized that their living arrangements were out of God's will. Believing that it was God's will for them to be united as husband and wife, they were married at Iglesia Bautista Imanuel, our partner church in Cuba. It just so happened that they were married while one of our members was present. This picture is more than just a photo of newlyweds. It represents what God is doing across Cuba. Now let's pray that God will do the same here.
Election Day Thoughts
I did my part on Amendment 2. I convinced the person both in front and behind me to vote for it. Neither seemed to know much about it. The lady in front actually walked up to me and asked me where Amendment 2 was on her ballot and I watched her vote. It was pretty cool.
My congressman, Mario Diaz-Balart, was in line so I got to grill him with some questions. I asked him how in the world he could not have an opinion on the Ramos and Compean bill and he waffled and wiggled and never answered my question. Sorry, but I couldn't vote for anybody on that one. I wasn't voting for pro-abortion Garcia and I can't vote for a republican who won't take a stand on a simple, but important issue...border control.
It took me 2 hours to go through the lines. Others were quite agitated at this, but I was too grateful for the opportunity to vote. My friends in Cuba don't enjoy this right.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Great Series on Gay Marriage
Albert Mohler has done a great series on the issue of Gay Marriage called "What's Really at Stake in the Gay Marriage Debate?" There are four parts and they can be accessed HERE.
No News on Pastor Tec
The family of kidnapped pastor Manuel Jesus Tec have not heard from Tec's captors since Monday. Ransom demands were dropped from $1 million to $200,000, however this is also outside of the pastor's family's means.
You can send an email supporting the family to Pastor Tec's son, Johnny, at
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Values Based Change
Here's an inspiring video to remind us all to vote based on our values, not on our wallet.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Urgent Prayer Request
Manuel Jesus Tec, a Southern Baptist pastor serving a church in San Diego, has been kidnapped. The kidnappers are requesting a $1 million dollar ransom. The family believes that this is a case of mistaken identity. Nevertheless, his captors are threatening to kill Tec if they do not receive the ransom. Please join me in praying for God to intervene in this situation.
What Follows Gay Marriage?
Floridians face the most important vote in perhaps a generation with Amendment 2, which places traditional marriage between one man and one woman in the state constitution. But what happens if it fails? What happens if a few judges overrule the will of the people, as has happened in Massachusetts, Connecticut and California? We need only to look at England to see what follows.
HERE is a great article detailing what has happened in England since homosexual civil unions have become legal across the pond.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Voting Your Values

I have some great, godly deacons. At our last deacons meeting, I was asked to write a letter to the members of the congregation relating to the upcoming elections...not to endorse a candidate, but to talk about the kinds of values that should guide the Christian when they vote. The following is the letter I sent out...
If your head feels like it is spinning, you might want to wait before calling your doctor. You might not need an MRI or a CT scan. It’s very possible that nothing is wrong with you physically. It could be the dizzying barrage of political commentary, advertisements, polls, automated calls, signs, bumper stickers and rallies that come with an intense election cycle.
Yet as frantic as this season has been, we as Christians nevertheless have an obligation to be the salt of the earth, and that means that we are to promote godly values and reject ungodly values. While the Bible does not tell us what party or candidate to vote for, the Bible does give us values that should shape our decisions, including the ones we make in the ballot box. I fear that many Christians have little or no idea about the values that should shape a believer when they vote. So would you please allow me to share a few values that should guide you?
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
when the wicked rule, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2
This is a spiritual law that is as real as the law of gravity. If the “righteous,” or those who walk rightly before God, are in authority, God’s blessings will come, resulting in the people rejoicing. However, if we elect “the wicked,” thinking that character doesn’t matter, only how a candidate will impact our 401k, portfolio or tax rate, the Bible says that we will mourn.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.”
Proverbs 31:8
“Rescue those being led away to death;
hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”
Proverbs 24:11
The Bible could not be more clear. Life is sacred, including life within the mother’s womb and including the aged on death’s doorstep. As Christians, we are commanded by God to protect life, particularly the lives of those who cannot defend themselves.
Let me quote Ed Young Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church.
"We're taking the lives of 3,200 babies a day -- taking the lives of developing babies -- when you'll get thrown in prison and pay an astronomical fine if you disturb the eggs of developing sea turtles."
I couldn’t say it better myself. God help us if we have the ability as Christian voters to stop the destruction of millions of unborn children and do not do so because we selfishly care more about the size of the next stimulus package. As Christians, we are not to be governed by money, nor should our vote be as well.
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
Genesis 2:24
God created the family. God created marriage. God created sex. These are not man’s inventions, but God’s. We must consider a candidate’s views of the institutions created by God Himself and family is the first one He created. We must consider a candidate’s views on gay marriage, for example. If the definition of marriage is rewritten because a handful of judges nominated by those we elect overturn the laws of the land, it will only be a matter of time until we see our society unraveling.
While we do not endorse candidates at First Baptist Church, we do speak on issues, including political issues, in which the Bible speaks. This is also completely within the law. And I have no hesitation saying that every Christian who takes Scripture seriously should vote in favor of Amendment Two, placing traditional marriage within the Florida constitution.
This may be the most important value to consider, because it serves as the foundation for the others. Does the candidate believe in absolute truth? If so, why? If not, why not? How does the candidate decide what is right and wrong? Does the candidate believe in right and wrong? Jesus said “I am…the truth.” (John 14:6) If Jesus is the truth, then we cannot say that there is no such thing as absolute truth. Truth is not relative. How a candidate views the world, including truth, the existence of evil, the basis of morality, etc. will impact almost every other position.
There are other values that you should consider, but if a candidate is solid on these four, he/she will probably be solid on others as well. I am not interested in telling you who to vote for, because I believe that God is most interested in what values you bring with you into the ballot box, whether they be Biblical or just plain selfish. I encourage you to vote. But I caution you, whatever you do, never vote based upon your wallet. If you vote for a candidate based upon your wallet and not upon Biblical values, you will give an account before God.
Let me close by passing along the advice that Jethro gave Moses in Exodus 18.
“But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”
Exodus 18:21
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
You've Got A Friend, Parts 2 & 3
Here are the final two messages I recently preached on the Holy Spirit from the gospel of John.
"You've Got a Friend" - Part 2
John 14:25-31
"You've Got a Friend" - Part 3
John 16:5-1
As usual, these messages will be available online for about one month.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Join Me Saturday

This Saturday, I will be heading up a sign waving event for from 10:00 am until noon. We will be gathering at the corner of US 1 and Campbell Dr. I'd prefer to have a little company! I'm providing 25 signs and plenty of bottled water. I just need people. Hope to see some of you there.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Two More Reasons
We've recently been given two more reasons to vote for Amendment 2 on November 4th. Over the weekend, a few slick judges in Conneticut decided that they were wise enough to decide for the entire state that gay marriage laws were unconstitutional. And just like that, every law stating otherwise was struck from the books with the people having no say whatsoever...all because their law was not actually placed into the constitution.
Then last Friday, a school teacher in San Francisco got married to her lesbian partner and the school where she teaches sent the children as a field trip. This is pure indoctrination of children, but if gay marriage is made legal by a few judges, little if anything can be said about it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
An Important Message
Tony Perkins has an important message for Florida voters...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Preschool Pic!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
You've Got a Friend
Here is the message I preached last Sunday, September 28, 2008 during the AM services at FBCH. It's back to the gospel of John. Boy do I love this book! This message will be available online for about one month.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Jesus is Worthy of My Life

Repentance that Leads to Revival
Your Share
“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”
Proverbs 22:7
It dawned upon me that with our national debt headed for ten trillion dollars, and with our population around 400 million, that means my family of five owns a $125,000 share of that debt. In other words, if the debt were to be spread out evenly, Uncle Sam would have to extract an additional $125,000 in taxes out of ME, over and above what I am already paying, in order to break even! Ummmm...I don't have that.
The Bible makes it clear that the borrower is a servant to the lender. This is true for individuals, but I would argue for governments as well.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Why Are They Mad?
Many in England are in an uproar this week because Baroness Mary Helen Warnock told the Church of Scotland's Life and Work magazine that those with dementia have a "duty to die." She said, "If you're demented, you're wasting people's lives -- your family's lives -- and you're wasting the resources of the National Health Service."
The irony here is that most of those who are upset have already decided that not all life is worthy of protection, especially those within the womb. They arrived at that conclusion by claiming that not all human life is actual "personhood." For a life to be a person, they have to demonstrate several qualities, such as communication and awareness. If that argument is followed to its natural conclusion, then those outside of the womb, including senior adults, who no longer meet the criteria of personhood are no longer worthy of legal protection. Add to that the fact that patients with dementia cost taxpayers a lot of money and thus, lower the services provided to the rest of society, and the result is that some patients with forms of dementia have a duty to die.
Baroness Warnock is as wrong as wrong can be. In fact, I will call her thoughts "evil." But let's also admit that she is consistently applying the arguments made by those who have argued for legalized abortion. Once abortion is ok because personhood is redefined, this is where you eventually arrive. And this is why we must defend the right to life of all "persons" both in the womb and out.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Just Getting Started
Southern Baptists just love numbers. Here are the current totals for Disaster Relief workers currently ministering in the aftermath of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike:
Volunteer Days - 10,369
Meals Prepared - 1,318,907
Chainsaw Jobs - 629
Showers - 18,051
Laundry Loads - 2,944
Water (Gallons) - 700
Messages - 830
Chaplaincy Contacts - 1,381
Professions of Faith - 99
Gospel Presentations - 158
Ministry Contacts - 11,562
We often wonder why God allows such tragedies to occur, but we can identify 99 persons who have accepted Christ after hearing the gospel from a disaster relief worker. You think anyone in heaven (where the celebration is taking place) is questioning God's judgment?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Am I Smart Now?
I entered by blog address into a web tool that scans your blog and determines its reading level. And this blog is supposedly post-grad level stuff. Yeah, right.
"Unplowed Ground"
Here is the message I preached September 7 from Hosea 10:11-12 in preparation for our "Heal Our Land" Spiritual renewal conference. It will be available online for about one month.
Pray for Ray Boltz

One of the first Christian Contemporary cassettes I ever purchased as a teenager was "The Altar" by Ray Boltz. Who in "evangelical-world" hasn't heard someone sing "Thank You" or "Watch the Lamb?" (The former was actually sung at Mother Teresa's funeral.)
Monday, September 15, 2008
One Million Meals
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Taking a Stand
James Ryan is the pastor of True North Community Church in New York. His church was offered a share of a $3 million dollar lottery jackpot...and turned it down. Pastor Ryan rightly saw the hypocrisy of accepting gambling proceeds while preaching against gambling.
Someone will ask, "But what about all of the good that could have been done with the money?" Look at it this way: If someone robbed a bank and told me they were donating the stolen money to our church, would we accept it? Absolutely not. Stolen money is stolen money. It matters not how it was stolen.
Monday, September 8, 2008
For the record...

#1 - I am the only person you know who predicted that McCain would pick Palin as VP.
#2 - I have never seen the kind of sexism that has been heaped upon Palin by the press. From her husband's DWI over two decades ago to the suggestion that her son is actually her grandson...unelievable. No one would think of asking these questions of a male candidate. I think the media overplayed their hand on this one. The public may revolt.
As for the issue of a woman being president in light of Biblical teachings on the church and family, here's a good article to consider.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Heal Our Land" Conference
An Honest Answer to an Honest Question
A seeker who is visiting my church sent me an email asking "Out of all the religions in the world, why are you a Christian?" She went to ask me how I knew that what I was teaching was right. In essence, I was asked why I believe what I believe. Here was my reply...
I believe in God because there must be a first cause. Someone must have tipped over the “first domino.” I believe in God because the universe has a design. I would never see a watch lying on the ground and think that the band, hands, glass and all other mechanisms simply came together accidentally. I believe in God because humans long for their Creator. Just as hunger implies the existence of food and thirst implies the existence of water and sexual desire implies the existence of fulfillment, the longing in man’s heart for God implies the existence of a Creator. I believe in God because while it takes faith to believe in God, it takes blind faith to believe that matter is eternal and that the rules of chemistry and physics that scientifically govern us developed accidentally from nothing. I believe in God because I cannot believe that God could or would have created the world and all those living in it only to then abandon it all and ignore it, as agnostics believe. That also takes blind faith. Thus, I believe it is natural that having created the world and all in it, God would then work to reveal Himself to that world.
Having established that there must be a God, I believe in the Bible for several reasons. I believe in its message. What it tells me about myself and my world is accurate. Only the Bible adequately explains my purpose, the world’s fundamental problem and the solution. I believe the Bible because of miraculous love. That God would be willing to enter my dirt and become a worm like me so that I could personally know him is beyond the ability of the human imagination to invent. I believe the Bible because it is a miraculous book. I believe that archeology has proven its perfect track record of reliability. I believe the Bible because I do not believe that it is possible to get dozens of authors from only one location and one time period to completely agree with one another in their writings. Yet the Bible was penned by dozens of authors from a wide variety of places over the course of centuries, yet with perfect agreement. I believe the Bible because I have yet to see a convincing contradiction, though I have seen many, many attempts to create them where they do not exist. I believe the Bible because I believe that the evidence for Christ is compelling. I believe that the prophecies fulfilled by Christ are amazing. I believe that the location and circumstances of his birth were adequately predicted centuries prior, and with a specificity not mirrored by phonies like Nostradamus. I believe the Bible because of the uniqueness of the Bible. I believe the Bible because every other ancient religious writing gives me the impossible task of reaching God by rules and regulations, but the Bible tells me how God has reached down to me. “GOD so loved the world that HE gave.” I believe the Bible because I need a death conqueror and Jesus died and rose again. I believe the Bible because I have the testimony of those who actually walked and talked with Jesus and were willing to die for their conviction that a man who literally died on a cross literally rose again the third day. I believe the Bible because I do not believe that so many men would willingly die (and in horrendous fashion) for what they KNEW to be a manufactured story. I believe the Bible because only the resurrection of Christ can account for the spread of the early church’s growth. While Islam spread because of the sword, Christianity spread in spite of the sword. People initially converted to Islam for fear that they would die if they did not. People initially became followers of Christ knowing that they would die if they did. I believe the Bible because I can look at my world and see it becoming exactly what the Bible said it would become.
I am a Christ follower because having accepted that there is a God and that this God has revealed Himself and His story to me in the Bible, I have chosen to base my life, what I believe and how I live, on what the Bible says. I believe what I believe about the trinity because the Bible clearly teaches it. I believe what I believe about the family because the Bible clearly teaches it, etc. God has every right to tell me how I should live my life, as well as what is right, what is wrong, what is true and what is false.
This was rather quickly done, but what would you have added and how would you have answered her question?
How Is This Possible?
Miami Dade County public schools were $88 million dollars in the red last year. I remember when I was a pastor in North Carolina and a lottery was proposed as the ultimate solution to all school funding problems. States with lotteries didn't have a lack of cash, we were repeatedly told. Putting aside the fact that Miami Dade public schools are among the worst in the country, the fact remains that when we exploit the poor via legalized gambling, we reap what we sow.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"The God Who's Near"
Here is the message I preached August 24th from John 14:7-14. I'll be taking a break from my series on John as the next four weeks are devoted to the topic of revival. This will culminate in our "Heal Our Land" Spiritual Renewal Conference, September 19-21. This message will be available online for about one month.
"There's No Place Like Home"
Here is the message I preached on August 17 from John 13:36 - 14:6. It will be available online for about one month.
"Only the Cross"
I'm catching up a bit on my online messages. Here is the message I preached August 10, from John 13:31-35. It will be available online for about a month.
The Most Important Thing
Dave Freeman, the author of "100 Things to Do Before You Die" has died. Ironically, he was only 47 years old and died after falling and hitting his head at home. I read that he'd only made it through half of his famous list. But I wonder if he ever did the most important thing...prepare for eternity?
Monday, August 25, 2008
An Abortion Tax
Here's an interesting article for those who claim to be "pro-choice" but say they want to see abortions become "rare." Simply put, what does the government do every other time it wants a legal activity (smoking, for example) to decrease? It taxes the behavior. So, do liberals favor a tax on abortions to reduce the number taking place in America? Don't hold your breath!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Where Euthanasia Takes Us
A cancer patient in Oregon was told that their state run health plan would not cover life saving chemotherapy, but would cover physician-assisted suicide.
Once we decide that it is okay to hasten death among the sick and elderly, the end result is that government and its agencies become more concerned with the mighty dollar than with promoting life. A person on chemotherapy represents a drain on the economy and not a life worthy of defending.
Here's the story. Scroll halfway down.
Monday, August 11, 2008
"The Brillance In Betrayal"
When Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the brillance of his character and love shone through. In this message, I preached from this familiar story in John 13:18-30. It will be available online for about one month.
The Ever-Increasing Debt
I learned something this past week. Oftentimes we preachers will say something along the lines of “Since Christ has given you so much, how could you not do __________ in return?” The insinuation, of course, is that by doing whatever goes in the blank, we are paying back to God a small portion of the debt we owe. We admit, of course, that we will never be able to repay God for all He’s done. We admit that we will never out-give God. But nevertheless, the hint is dropped that we are to give, serve, etc. in order to “pay God back,” even if only slightly. I myself have preached some variation of this thought in the past. It sounds very Biblical at first. However, I am now convinced that this is false. The Bible teaches us that we do not serve God in order to “pay Him back” for all He has done and given us. Instead, the Bible tells us that when we serve God, we do so out of grace. In other words, the very act of serving God is such an undeserved honor that it is only by God’s grace that we can do it. Second Corinthians 9:8 says, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” Friends, we will never do anything that causes God to owe us anything. Neither will we ever do anything that causes us to owe God less. John Piper said “Good deeds do not pay back grace. They borrow more grace.” The next time you do anything for God, just remember, your debt just got bigger, not smaller. That’s what the Christian life is all about…going further and further in debt to God’s grace.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Proof That God Is Working
I read a report yesterday about the son of a leader of Hamas who accepted Christ as his Savior. Considering that most consider Hamas to be a terrorist group, I'd say this man's conversion is absolutely amazing. It proves the truthfulness of Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Anyone, anywhere who truly seeks to know the one true God, will find Him if they are wholeheartedly seeking Him.
Hamas leader's son declares faith in Christ
Thursday, August 7, 2008
An Inspiring Prayer
The following is an incredible prayer that I read at the end of the first chapter of a book I just started, Brothers, We Are Not Professionals by John Piper. May it be the prayer of us all...
"God, deliver us from the professionalizers! Deliver us from the low, managing, contriving, maneuvering temper of mind among us. God give us tears for our sins. Forgive us for being so shallow in prayer, so thin in our grasp of verities, so content amid perishing neighbors, so empty of passion and earnestness in all our conversation. Restore to us the childlike joy of our salvation. Frighten us with the awesome holiness and power of Him who can cast both soul and body into hell.Cause us to hold to the cross with fear and trembling as our hope-filled and offensive tree of life. Grant us nothing, absolutely nothing, the way the world views it. May Christ be our all in all.
Banish professionalism from our midst, Oh God, and in its place put passionate prayer, poverty of spirit, hunger for God, rigorous study of holy things, white-hot devotion to Jesus Christ, utter indifference to all material gain, and unremiting labor to rescue the perishing, perfect the saints, and glorify our sovereign Lord.
Humble us, Oh God, under Your mighty hand, and let us rise, not as professionals, but as witnesses and partakers of the sufferings of Christ. In His awesome name. Amen."
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Praying for Revival
The following is the article I wrote for the August 2008 edition of our monthly newsletter, The Way.
An author named Raymond McHenry says that a lot has changed in America since the last time we experienced revival across our land. Leaders were making plans to connect our country, east to west, by railway. The first flight would not occur for another half century. The light bulb was still just an idea in the mind of a child named Thomas Edison. The civil war had not yet been fought. Needless to say, it’s been some time since we have seen a true great awakening in America.
We talk a lot about revival in our churches, as we should. And there have been pockets of revival in individual churches and regions from time to time. We have seen what might be called tremors of revival that never materialized. But the real thing? Unless you have traveled the world, none of us have ever seen it. We can read about it in the Bible. We can read about it in church history...times when the hearts of people were turned to the Lord on a mass level…times when an entire culture was transformed by the effects of unusually large numbers of people being converted in a short time period…times when sudden decreases in sin and a sudden increase in righteous living brought about forcible changes in society. We can speak of this is in the past. We can speak of this among others. But we cannot speak of this in the here and now. We cannot use the first person.
All of that being said, we are still to pray for revival. Psalm 85:6 says “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” We should pray for revival in our churches, our nation and in our own lives as well.
Many say that the word “revival” is outdated. However, as long as the word “revive” appears in the Word of God, it will never be outdated. (And for the record, it does, five times to be exact. This does not include the many biblical examples of revival in which the word is not technically used.) Some say that new church growth methodologies have rendered all concepts of revival as useless. However, our human efforts and strategies will never be able to do what God can and will do with a revived church full of holy people.
Unfortunately, it's been so long since most Christians have seen revival that I'm convinced many Christians wouldn't even pray for it if they knew what it involved. In fact, I agree with Voddie Baucham, that true revival would initially result in a decline in our churches, followed by long term, sustained growth. If revival were to take place in every Bible believing church in America, holiness would be emphasized and sin would be addressed, leading many carnal Christians and nonbelievers to stay at home. But in the log run, our homes would experience God’s presence and blessings. Our pulpits would be filled with renewed power. Our witness would be renewed and there would be drastic increases in genuine conversions and baptisms. The world would look at the church and see the difference that is all too often missing today. Few churches would have problems meeting their budget and the number of missionaries accepting the call to serve, as well as the dollars contributed to support them, would surge. Teenagers would not “graduate from God” when they get to college because they would have been trained by godly moms and dads. We would stop losing the next generation to the world. No church growth methodology can produce these kinds of results. And that is why we must never stop talking about, praying for and planning for revival.
As your pastor, I am asking you to do just that. Would you take the next few weeks and months to pray for revival in your life and in our church? Would you pray both individually and corporately?
We will be setting aside a few precious days in September to focus exclusively on revival. We are blessed to have Dr. John Sullivan preaching for us Sept. 19-21. Dr. Sullivan is the executive director/treasurer for the Florida Baptist convention. He has been a servant-leader among Florida Baptists for many years. He is also a "voice crying in the wilderness," so to speak, beckoning the people of God to submit to God's conditions for genuine revival. But let me make this clear: Revival will not take place because an able preacher came a blessed us with a few good sermons. It will not take place because a rousing singer or choir came and entertained us in song.
God makes it abundantly clear what the prerequisites for revival are. Second Chronicles 7:14 tells us that we must do four things. First we are to humble ourselves. That means asking God to help us see ourselves as we truly are. That means confessing and forsaking our pride. There is a chorus we sing at First Baptist from time to time (we’ll probably be singing it again real soon!) that says “This is what I ask, Lord, this is what I need. I fresh new look at You and an honest look at me.” Second, we are to pray. I am not aware of a single revival that has taken place in the Bible or church history that did not involve God’s people praying fervently. On the other hand, I am aware of one revival that took place in which there was very little preaching, but prayer is indispensable! Would you make a special effort to pray both individually and corporately for revival? We gather as a people to pray on Tuesdays at 5:30 AM (yes, in the morning) and on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Third, we are to seek God’s face. That means that we pursue the knowledge of Him. We devote ourselves to knowing His Word. We ask God to reveal Himself to us in a fresh, new way. Finally, we must turn from our wicked ways. Just as revival never occurs apart from prayer, it is also true that it never occurs apart from repentance. Next month I’ll talk more about this part, but for now, let me encourage every member to do something. Two years ago, our church provided a copy of the Gregory Frizzell’s book Returning to Holiness to every member. In that book, Frizzell identifies seven categories of sin and uses Scripture alongside penetrating personal questions to guide the Christian through a process of spiritual cleansing. Dust off that book if you still have it. If you need a copy, plenty of free copies are available at our welcome center. Just drop by and ask. Spend these weeks reading up on these seven categories of sin and asking God to show you the unconfessed sin and the unyielded areas of self in your life. And if you’re really serious about God bringing about personal revival, combine that with scheduled days of fasting. The late Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ wrote a marvelous work on fasting. You can link to it from our church website ( under the “sermons” section.
Needless to say, I am also asking you to guard September 19-21 on your calendar. We honestly aren’t treating these meetings as a “crusade” in which the majority of time is spent evangelizing the lost. I have asked Dr. Sullivan to focus on the church. Come expecting God to work in your life in a wonderful way.
God's Success Through Our Failures
As I was wrapping up my series on 2 Samuel this past week, I learned something about David's life that I'd never noticed before. If you look at the two greatest sins of David's life, those sins were what gave birth, in a sense, to the temple. God used - not David's greatest successes - but his greatest failures, to produce the greatest good.
What were David's two greatest sins? First, there was his adultery with Bathsheba in Second Samuel 11. This also led to the murder of Uriah the Hittite. David was punished severely for this sin, but from that experience would eventually come a son named Solomon who led in the construction of the temple.
David's second greatest sin (chronologically speaking) was in conducting the census after which God judged Israel and 70,000 died in a plague. Yet the Bible tells us that this plague ended at a specific spot...the house of a man named Araunah. At that very place, God said "enough" and the judgment ended. At that exact same place, the Bible says in Second Chronicles 3, the temple was built and the altar was placed. From David's second sin came the location of the temple.
It's amazing to consider that both the leader and the site of the temple's construction both resulted from the greatest failures of David's life. It's amazing to think that God's sovereignty means that he not only uses our successes, but our failures as well. Satan loves to tell us that God cannot use us because of the sins of our past. God responds, "I'll not only use you in spite of the sins of your past, I'll even use your sinful past itself in order to further my purposes." Understanding this principle is one of the greatest sources of encouragement in the Christian life. It helps us to "forget what is behind" and "push forward to what is ahead." (Philippians 3:13)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Reminder to Pray

Would You Take $20 Million?
It has been reported this week that the Green Bay Packers, fearing a PR disaster, have offered future hall-of-fame quarterback Bret Farve $20 million dollars to stay retired. While I am all for a free market, there is something wrong in our society when doing nothing is rewarded with that sum of cash. That got me to many people would be willing to quit or stay away from what they do in exchange for $20 million? I know if I had to choose, I'd turn down the money easily. I couldn't stop pastoring/preaching for all the money in the world.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What's Wrong With This Picture?
OK, here's the scoop. While driving five miles per hour at Lion Country Safari, I allowed Jesse to sit in my lap and Mommy took this incriminating photo. I just wanted him to get a closer view of the wild animals we passed within feet of our van, for instance the lions, rhinos...oh wait...that makes it even worse!
On a side note, Jesse was way more interested in the steering wheel than he was the zebras we'd just passed!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
"The Agony of Washing Feet"
Here is my message from July 20 on John 13:1-17. It will be available online for about one month.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Legacy of William Carey
When William Carey served as a missionary to India, one of his chief aims was to translate the Word of God into the many dialects spoken in that vast land. He operated a printing press for this purpose and the amount of translated material was tremendous. On March 11, 1812, a fire ravaged the hall where production was taking place. Ten Bible translations perished entirely. Priceless dictionaries, along with fourteen fonts of oriental type, Hebrew, Greek and English type, steel punches, grammar texts and paper were gone. Years of work and thousands of dollars went up in flames. When Carey arrived at the scene, here's what he said.
Why would God allow a fire to destroy Bible translations that were essential to so many people being able to read the Word of God for the very first time? After all, Carey left his homeland, experienced rejection and suffered terrible hardships as a missionary. Is this how God rewards him? I'm sure Carey asked himself that very question. One thing he did not do, however, was give up. Carey committed himself to an even better press and more scholarly translations.
As it would turn out, God used this fire to make their missions work in India famous around the world. So many contributions came in that one fellow laborer said, "Stop sending contributions!" Within only two months, the first pages of select portions of the New Testament were being shipped to the churches. Carey eventually confessed, "We found on making the trail that the advantages of going over the same ground a second time were so great that they fully counter-balanced the time requisite to be devoted thereto in a second translation. The fire, the cause of which was never discovered...had given birth to revised editions."
Another result of the fire was that God called two new missionaries to join Carey in the work, including what was perhaps the first ever missionary nurse. All of this only goes to show that God is sovereign, and even when we cannot understand His actions, we can trust that we will understand it by and by.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Not Shocking?
The Federal Communications Commission was dealt a blow today when an appeals court decided that it was wrong to fine CBS corporation for its 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. Yep, the infamous one in which Justin Timberlake ripped off part of Janet Jackson's shirt moments after singing "Gonna have you naked by the end of this song." I remember the game, but not the "moment." I was already so offended by the lyrics and choreography of the halftime show that year that I had turned off the TV, so I never saw it. The court stated that the FCC was wrong to fine CBS because the FCC may only issue fines in cases so "pervasive as to amount to 'shock treatment' for the audience" Not shocking? A sports game displaying nudity that is watched by children is not shocking?
Our courts have ruled that we cannot issue fines for nudity on shows in which children are an expected part of the audience. Tim Winter, of the Parents Television Council, said it best: "If a striptease during the Super Bowl in front of 90 million people— including millions of children—doesn’t fit the parameters of broadcast indecency, then what does?" Those who care about decency must surely fear where this will lead and whether or not the time will come when no Christian who is serious about holiness can have a TV in their home. Until then, Christians need to take control over what enters their home and what reaches their children.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hard Facts About a Hard Heart
Here is the message I preached July 13 during the AM services at FBCH. It is based upon John 12:37-50. It will be availale online for about one month.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Real Story About Josh Hamilton
While everyone was talking about Josh Hamilton's record setting Home Run Derby performance Monday night, here's a story that gets the record straight about the real difference in his life...Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
While on vacation, we got to see some of our cousins, both on Joy's side and my side of the family? So, it's pretty obvious which is the crazy side, right?
Above: Brenda, Jesse and Rachel with Joy's cousins in Greenville, South Carolina. Right: Brenda and Jesse with my cousins in Keystone Heights, Florida. Click on photo for larger view.
"If Jesus Is Lifted Up"
Here is my message on John 12:27-36, preached recently at FBCH. In this passage, Jesus spoke publicly about his looming death on the cross for the very last time. This sermon will be available for about one month.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th!
WOW! I thought I'd seen fireworks before but not until tonight. Here was our view, only we were actually on the bank of the Saint John's River in downtown Jax. Best seats in the house. About half way through the show, Brenda and Jesse began to shout "We're winning! We're winning!" I don't know who was losing, but we were winning.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Time for Adventure
Tomorrow morning, we head north for a week of vacation. Our destination is South Carolina. On the way there, we'll drive through Lion Country Safari and stop at Jacksonville, FL to visit family and hopefully catch good fireworks on the fourth. Once in Greenville, we'll be visiting Joy's missionary cousins on leave from Guam and the foreign country called California. I'll be bringing four books: The Bible, The Legacy of William Carey by Vishal Mangalwadi, Islam at the Crossroads by Paul Marshall and Spiritual Leadership by Henry Blackaby. In addition, we're coming equipped with lots of Christian Comedy my wife purchased online and about ten Voddie Baucham sermons for when I'm tired at the wheel and need to get fired up. Keep us in your prayers. I may post from Jacksonville if I get the chance.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Our Fifteen Minutes
Some battles must be fought. One such battle is the battle for marriage taking place in Florida. This November, we will vote on Amendment Two, a citizen sponsored drive to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The following is the article I posted in our church's July Newsletter, The Way.
Napoleon once said that in every battle, there is a fifteen minute window of time when the conflict is at its peak. Whoever wins during that fifteen minutes, he said, wins the battle. In the state of Florida, and across our country for that matter, the “fifteen minute window” is now. There is a battle for the heart and soul of the age old institution created by God known as the family. What is a family? How should we regard the family in society? Is the family a union which revolves around the marriage of a husband and a wife or is the family any combination of any number of people of either gender? And most importantly, why does it matter?
This November, voters will be going to the polls to vote on a number of issues. One of those issues will be an amendment to the Florida constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. “Amendment Two” as it is known is worded as follows: “Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.” It could be that the most important issue will not be who we elect to congress or the oval office, but how we decide the issue of family.
As a church, we are not in the business of endorsing candidates. We are forbidden from doing so as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, but more importantly, we are too busy with the great commission to even desire doing so! If I believed that our nation’s problems could be solved with political solutions, I would resign as pastor and run for congress. We have every right, however, to speak out on issues in which Scripture clearly speaks, even when those issues intersect the political realm. As your pastor, I want to plead with you to do your part to see to it that Amendment Two passes this November.
Unfortunately, there is much confusion on this issue. Some see it as denying rights to those who practice homosexuality. In reality, no one is denied a single right by this amendment. This amendment merely keeps activist judges from creating a right which does not exist. Some who actually understand the biblical definition of marriage fail to understand why this should be a public issue. “Isn’t the definition of marriage primarily a religious issue? And as a religious issue, should our religious view of marriage be codified into law?” some will ask. But there are many reasons why marriage should be legally protected. Although marriage is a holy institution created by God, it is also an institution in which there is tremendous public interest. I would like to state a few reasons why.
First of all, marriage should be protected because marriage between a man and woman benefits society. For example, there are thousands of studies that indicate that children do better when they have a mother and a father in the home. These same studies also reveal that children in homes with homosexual “parents” do not fare as well. Simply put, children need a mom and a dad.
You cannot talk about same sex marriage without talking about the well being of children. If same sex marriage becomes law, then all laws banning homosexual or same sex adoption will be struck down. When same sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, one Catholic adoption agency, one of the largest in the nation, had to shut down rather than be forced to facilitate adoptions for homosexual couples.
“But what about divorce?” some will ask. While it is true that many single parents do an admirable job raising children alone, no one can deny that overall, children in single parent homes face struggles that other children do not. The fact that some children must bear this burden does not mean that we should saddle thousands of more children with an additional burden! Furthermore, if same sex marriage becomes legal, no language in your child’s public school sex ed class will be off limits. “Heather Has Two Mommies” and “Daddy’s Roommate” will be standard reading for elementary students with parents having no recourse except to remove their children from public school altogether.
The state also has an economic interest in promoting traditional marriage. One columnist, Maggie Gallagher, put it this way: “There is scarcely a dollar that state and federal government spends on social programs that is not driven in large part by family fragmentation: Crime, poverty, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, school failure, mental and physical health problems.” All of society benefits when traditional marriage is promoted. And by the way, it is common practice for our government to reward behavior which is beneficial. Because home ownership is beneficial to the economy, there are tax breaks for those who buy homes and pay interest and no such breaks for those who pay rent.
Another reason to vote yes on Amendment Two is because of the legal game of dominoes that will follow the legalization of same sex marriage. Once the definition of marriage is changed, there is no legal basis, no authority by which other types of marriage can be banned. As we have seen in the news recently, there are many polygamists in Texas, Utah and other regions of the country who are waiting in the wings. “Who are you to say that the loving union we enjoy is not worthy of respect under the law?” they will ask. “By what legal basis can you say that marriage is the union of only two persons?” Once that threshold is crossed, there is no turning back. This is why in nations where same sex marriage has become law, marriage has essentially become meaningless. Couples no longer marry, they merely co-habitate, because marriage loses its significance.
Perhaps the most disturbing result of same sex marriage is the threat to our religious liberty. Record this in your permanent memory bank: In every country/state where same sex marriage has become law, attempts to criminalize opposition to homosexuality have followed. Churches that speak out on this issue can be fined and their pastors arrested. Churches that do not allow same sex ceremonies on their property can be punished. Do you honestly trust the gay rights crowd when they tell you that they will not take us down this path, that America will be the first nation with same sex marriage to not criminalize opposition to homosexuality?
We are in our fifteen minutes. Of course, we know that the real solution to this dilemma is not simply to fight same sex marriage. Our battle plan is to lovingly reach out to homosexuals with the hope of the gospel and teach them how to experience real, Biblical change. My friend Tim Wilkins is a former homosexual who has helped hundreds, if not thousands of homosexuals find freedom in Christ. As Tim often says of this issue, “We need less heat and more light.” Yes, we should vote to protect traditional marriage. Yes, we should love homosexuals, even those who will not return that love. It’s not an either/or proposition. It is both.
In the weeks and months ahead, our church will be providing materials outlining even more reasons why we should adopt Amendment Two. I encourage you to take these materials and share them with others. And I look forward to the day when my red car is not the only one with a “Yes on 2” bumper sticker in our parking lot on Sunday morning! I ask you to register to vote, encourage everyone you know to register to vote, and then cast those votes in support of this amendment. Our state will reap the blessings for years to come.