Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Help! I've Been Mugged!

Seriously, I have...along with every member of First Baptist Church of Homestead. As some of you know, we are setting aside a prayer room in our church. So this room will be accessible 24/7, we are adding a special door whereby members can enter without needing a key to the church or the security code. Are you ready for this...

Price of the door: $1,400.
Miami Dade County "Impact" Fee: $668.68.

Yesiree. Our church adding a door is going to impact the county in a big, big way. They need $668.68 in order to adjust to the inconvenience our prayer room door will cause them.

Think about this: First Baptist CHURCH of Homestead has to PAY the "STATE" a fee so we can have a door into the room set aside for PRAYER. Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

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