Neil Clark Warren is a Christian psychologist who has appeared in the past on James Dobson’s Focus on the Family. You probably know him from the commercials in which he promotes the company he founded, e-harmony.com. Dr. Warren has opposed homosexuality in the past and his company, which facilitates internet match making, has catered only to heterosexual inquirers. So perhaps you were surprised by e-harmony’s recent decision to create an internet matchmaking site for homosexuals. Compatible Partners is set to begin March 31, 2009.
Why the change, you ask? It appears that a homosexual group decided to sue e-harmony for only providing matchmaking help to heterosexuals. Rather than create and promote their own web site, which would have meant considerable start up costs, they decided to legally force e-harmony to do it for them. And it worked. Dr. Warren caved in and agreed to start Compatible Partners because he said the cost of losing legislation would have been devastating to e-harmony.com. This news is disturbing on several levels.
#1 – Dr. Warren caved in. We desperately need for Christian men and women to stand by their convictions, not throw them to the wind at the first sign of litigation. As Dr. Tony Perkins said about this controversy, “The surest way to lose the culture war is refusing to fight.”
#2 – What about the “Live and let live” theory we hear from gay rights groups? Is it “live and let live” to force a Christian who opposes homosexuality on religious grounds to provide matchmaking help to homosexuals just because he is doing so for heterosexuals?
#3 – How is it discrimination for a heterosexual psychologist to help other heterosexuals to find a likeminded mate?
Why the change, you ask? It appears that a homosexual group decided to sue e-harmony for only providing matchmaking help to heterosexuals. Rather than create and promote their own web site, which would have meant considerable start up costs, they decided to legally force e-harmony to do it for them. And it worked. Dr. Warren caved in and agreed to start Compatible Partners because he said the cost of losing legislation would have been devastating to e-harmony.com. This news is disturbing on several levels.
#1 – Dr. Warren caved in. We desperately need for Christian men and women to stand by their convictions, not throw them to the wind at the first sign of litigation. As Dr. Tony Perkins said about this controversy, “The surest way to lose the culture war is refusing to fight.”
#2 – What about the “Live and let live” theory we hear from gay rights groups? Is it “live and let live” to force a Christian who opposes homosexuality on religious grounds to provide matchmaking help to homosexuals just because he is doing so for heterosexuals?
#3 – How is it discrimination for a heterosexual psychologist to help other heterosexuals to find a likeminded mate?
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