I'll admit, I'm disappointed. The passage of the landmark health care bill by the House of Representatives is a setback for the sanctity of life in this country. I haven't spoken much about the issue of health care itself because I believe that much of the issue is political rather than biblical. As for whether or not the founding fathers would have wanted the federal government to have such authority over our lives is not a topic addressed in any book, chapter or verse of the Bible. When it comes to the issue of the sanctity of life, however, that is another matter.
I am particularly disappointed by Bart Stupak, the congressman from Michigan who initially led the pro-life democratic opposition. Stupak cited specific sections of the senate bill that did, in fact, provide federal funding for abortions, contrary to what the president and others said. Yet, after carefully and effectively articulating his point, he then walked away from it, voting for the bill anyway. He claims that he is accepting the president's promise that he will issue an executive order barring federal funds for abortion. It sounds good, but the problem is that the law passed by congress supersedes an executive order. The president does not have the constitutional authority to wish away a bill that was passed and signed into law. Furthermore, even if the president could do such a thing, all it would take is a swipe of his pen, or another president's pen later, to undo it.
Some will point out that the amount of money provided by the government to cover abortions is small. That is true. Others will point out that under the new law, an individual must pay for their own rider to receive coverage for abortions. This also is true. The threshold, however, has now been crossed. The principle that government funds do not pay for the destruction of preborn human life has ended. And once you cross that line, it is easy to adjust the numbers. The hard part is getting the first dollar.
We now have all the more reason to pray for revival in America and to fear the judgment that God may bring upon us.
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