Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Joshua Challege

I recently preached a three week series on parenting, wrapping it up this past Sunday with Joshua's challenge from Joshua 24:14-15. ("As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.") I kept asking myself, "What would this challenge look like in the 21st century?" Obviously, the basic principle would not change, but how would such a challenge apply to the challenges today's parents face? I wrote the following version of "The Joshua Challenge" and challenged our members to sign it and keep it this Sunday. Have any suggested additions? Let me know. Regardess, I encourage YOU to take this challenge today.

The Joshua Challenge

I will model for my children a genuine fear of God and a life of service to Him.

I will ensure that my children always have a father/mother praying for them, with them and over them.

I will practice loving, Biblical discipline so that my children will know that there are consequences for wrong doing.

I will take seriously my responsibility to remove from my home and my children’s sphere of influence anything that might influence them to reject God’s Word or turn away from God’s authority over their lives.

I will do my best to be aware of the friends my children keep, the music they listen to, the publications they read, the web sites they visit and the entertainment they enjoy. Furthermore, I will have the final say regarding all of the above that may enter my home.

I will be aware of the worldview and values that my children are being taught at school, whether public or private. I will do everything I can to ensure that they are taught a Biblical worldview and godly values.

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