Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Like Mike

Mike Huckabee is the man. He's the accomplished former Governor of Arkansas, and like another US president, is from a town called Hope. ("All I ask is, give us one more chance.") He is also running for president.

I want to encourage everyone to seriously consider voting for Gov. Huckabee in the upcoming primaries. This is an endorsement from me, not from the First Baptist Church of Homestead, which does not endorse candidates, of course. Let me tell you why I like Mike.

* Mike Huckabee does what's right, not what's convenient or popular.
* Mike Huckabee epitomizes "compassionate conservatism," much more so than the guy who first coined the phrase.
* Mike Huckabee has the smarts and eloquence to compete on the national stage.
* Mike Huckabee is strongly pro-life, but unlike some, he doesn't stop caring about children once they're out of the womb.
* Mike Huckabee addresses issues like the environment, corporate greed and social injuctice in a manner that reminds me of the boldness of Old Testament prophets.
* Mile Huckabee has some great ideas on taxes and health care.

Here is a sample of Huckabee's quotes. Note in particular his response to the evolution question during a republican presidential debate. Here is his web site.


Jane said...

Someone agrees with you.

Howard Harden said...

My hope is that a lot of people will agree.

By the way, you heard that none of the votes cast in the Florida democratic primary will be recognized this time around? That means that if you want to vote in the primary, you're stuck voting republican. So if you're stuck voting republican, you might as well vote for Huckabee!
