Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Prayers of a Three Year Old

Not too long ago, something clicked during family devotion time. Brenda, my three year old daughter, suddenly decided she really likes to pray. Sure, she enjoyed it before, but only with lots of help focusing from Mom and Dad. Then suddenly, one night while sitting in my lap, she just started thanking God...for everything!

Thank you God for my pink blankie. Thank you God for my white blankie. Thank you God for my yellow blankie. Thank you God for Daddy's silver car and Mommy's blue van. Thank you God for this finger and this finger and this finger...(followed by a prayer for each of her toes). Thank you God for...hey Daddy, what's this? ("That's your wrist," Daddy supplied.) Thank you God for my wrist. Thank you God for Mommy, Daddy, Jesse-monster and Brenda. (She never fails to thank God for herself.) Thank you God for color red and purple. Thank you God for head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. (Just like the song.) Thank you God for missiaries (missionaries). Thank you God for Osiel, Ramon, Jorge, Mario, Raffy and Lori (the six missionaries our church has "adopted."). Thank you God for Daddy loves Mommy. Thank you God for air (meaning air conditioning). Thank you God for lions. Thank you God for ducks. Thank you God for tv, moonies (movies), mukick (music) and dancing. Thank you God for church. Thank you God for Jesus and the boat (her favorite Bible story). Thank you God for Grandma and Grandpa.

At some point as the prayer went on (and on), Mommy suggested that she pray for her friends. Brenda replied, "Hush Mommy, I'm praying!"

I'm probably forgetting a good bit of what she thanked God for that night. But what a blessing to be reminded that we can thank God for everything that comes into our lives.

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