Friday, July 24, 2009

Ignorance in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania legislature rescinded its invitation to a Gettysburg pastor to open a session in prayer because the pastor included the name of Jesus in that prayer. (Advanced written copies of all prayers must first be supplied before the visiting minister is allowed to pray.)

The folks of Pennsylvania must not know much about our nation's history; how, for example, just days after Thomas Jefferson wrote his "wall of separation letter," he went to the capitol to hear a visiting Baptist preacher proclaim the the invitation of congress! Obviously, the wall of separation between church and state didn't prohibit the full preaching of the gospel within the walls of government. That prayer in Jesus' name would have been considered contrary to the first amendment would be laughable were it not for the ignorance required to hold that position.

Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters in North Korea

A North Korean woman has been publicly executed for distributing Bibles in that nation. We should remember this entire family in prayer.

Members of our church recently had Bibles confiscated by the Cuban government during a trip to the Island nation to our south. In both cases we see how frightened these communist governments are of the Word of God. Even nonbelievers recognize the power of this book to transform hearts and lives...and societies. Furthermore, once someone has tasted real freedom in Christ, they will long for freedom in every realm of life and they will rarely support regimes that seek to deny it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gee, Ya Think?

A new study finds that sexual activity among teens is correlated to tv viewing. Gee, ya think? The sooner children view adult content, the sooner they are sexually active, the study claims. What's really fascinating is that for every hour that children ages 6-8 watched adult content, their chances of having sex during early adolescence rose 33 percent.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Worthy Promotion

While I was as surprised as anyone to hear about Sarah Palin's resignation as Governor of Alaska, I have been sickened to hear and read the political commentary surrounding it. Everyone is debating whether or not this is a good political move or whether it helps or hurts her chances to become president. Let me tell you what I have yet to hear: I haven't heard anyone asking whether this is a good parenting move or whether it helps or hurts her chances to raise godly children. Frankly, as much as I supported Palin, her resigning as Governor is a promotion. In fact, I'll take it one step further. I believe that the role of a mother is so important and so honorable and so worthy of respect that if Palin were to go from being a full time mother to being president, THAT would be a demotion.

A Funny Surprise

I looked inside the cover of a book I have to read for my next Doctor of Ministry class and I was surprised to see that I had an autographed copy. (I'm not going to publish the author's name online.) The author had written a personal note to a "Jim and Nancy" in which he said "Thank you for putting up with my son." It turns out, "Jim and Nancy" sold me their copy of this book on Ebay. So the question is, just how hard was his son to put up with?