I'm back from my travels to the communist island to the south. God was good and everything I brought went through customs. A few reflections...
God is working in an amazing way. House churches that had just been started when I arrived a year ago had already multiplied. People are being saved and delivered out of witchcraft, idolatry and the cults. People are standing outside of the church, even during the Sunday night service, in order to see/hear through the windows and doors. Note the pictures immediately left and above. Twenty-two people crammed into one room of a house church where I preached. It was the bedroom of the host family. It was just big enough for a queen size bed a little room to walk around it. About five or six people actually sat on the bed and the others sat or stood against the wall while a few listened in from just outside!
In one small community an hour from Havanah with a population of only 70 people, there are four weddings scheduled on the same day around the first of July. The reason is that one of our missionaries began to evangelize this area and many of the people who accepted Christ were living with a boyfriend/girlfriend outside of marriage. Now that they are saved, they have decided to get married! (How often does a community of only 70 people have four weddings in one day? Hmmm)
During the week, I preached eight times (in Spanish). Six accepted Christ. This proves that God still works through burros.
Above left and left middle: Pictures from Pastor's Jorge's ordination. I had the blessing of participating in the laying on of hands.
Above right: Me with our six missionaries.
NOTE: Click on any of the pictures for a larger view.
This Sunday night I'll be reporting on the trip and sharing video messages from our missionaries.