Does anyone's child ages 6-12 NOT demonstrate these symptoms?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Brenda and Jesse Respond
Brenda and Jesse met their new little sister on Saturday. Brenda replied (while pointing to Mommy's tummy) "Let's take out the boy baby now!" Jesse was too completely disinterested to have a comment. He was, however, very glad to see his Mommy.
It's a GIRL!
Born February 15, 2008, 8:01 am
6 pounds, 4 ounces, 18 inches
Thank you for your prayers, visits and support. Rachel is amazing!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Paparazzi at FBCH
A memer of the paparazzi managed to get a picture I haven't been able to get for months. It's a picture of my beautiful wife with our upcoming arrival. She'll probably kill me for posting this, but I wasn't kidding about the beautiful part. She truly is glowing.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Groundbreaking News!
Miracles never cease! We finally got our permit to expand our nursery! Let's just say some folks in our county really did not want this to take place, but God is good and construction is set to begin.
For those of you who do not know, our nursery has gotten a little crowded at times, and I bear much of the blame! (Our youth pastor is at fault too, though!) I'll include more pics when there's visible progress. THANK YOU to everyone who gave and/or worked to make this happen. Gene Mendheim, Dean and Laura Holland, Steve Diehl and Ernie Rodriguez deserve special thanks. What an awesome church and what a blessing to lead it.
Of course, expect lots and lots and lots of pictures to flood this blog on Friday (or sooner) when the third installment of Baby Harden arrives at Homestead Hospital!
American Idol or American Idolatry?
A recent episode of American Idol (Dallas auditions) decided to poke fun at virginity. Putting aside the fact that a Mr. Bruce Dickson can actually sing, the judges (and producers) essentially dissed Mr. Dickson for admitting that he'd never kissed or slept with a girl. The segment ended with Ryan Seacrest saying "Maybe if Bruce does come back next year, he'll return less boy and more man." Hey Ryan, I've got news for you: Bruce Dickson is more man than you've ever been.
Read more here.